Temperature and cooling demand in a room summertime are influenced by numerous factors,like internal gains, ventilation, solar gain, behaviour of occupants, thermal inertia of the roomand outdoor conditions (climate).The thermal environment and cooling demand summertime are often analysed using detailedcomputer programs, which take into account the factors mentioned above (among others).Often the overview, transparency and some of the physical insight is lost using these advancedcomputer programs.In a predesign phase of a project it is preferable to do simple calculations of the thermalbehaviour of a room. These simple calculations often gives more physical insight and overviewthan using computer programs. Simple calculations also gives a quality assurance of latercomputer analysis of the room.This is part 2 of two related papers concerning a simplified method for thermal design ofrooms, called ThermSim. Part 1 (the accompanying paper) is concerned with derivation andinterpretation of the model.This paper is concerned with practical guidance in choosing appropriate input to the model.Comparison to the advanced simulation program BRIS is also presented.The model shows good agreement with computer analysis when the model assumptions isfulfilled.
Thermal analysis of rooms with diurnal periodic heat gain, ThermSim. Part 1: Derivation. Part 2: Practical use and comparison.

Bibliographic info:
18th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and Cooling", Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997