To evaluate the performance of different turbulence models in room airflow applications measurements in a test room will be compared to numerical calculations. The measurements are taken in a 6 x 4 x 3 m3 room with two heated dummies and a computer. Zero heat flux boundary conditions are achieved by controlling the inner and outer wall temperature. Two different ventilation systems will be examined in order to get momentum and buoyancy driven flow fields. Temperature measurement and Particle Streak Tracking data will be compared to the numerical predictions. The standard k, E - model, a low Reynolds model and a Reynolds stress model will be used to get an overview about their applicability to different ventilation systems.
Measurements and Predictions of Room Airflow Patterns using Different Turbulence Models

Bibliographic info:
Sweden, Stockholm, KTH Building Services Engineering, 1998, proceedings of Roomvent 98: 6th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, held June 14-17 1998 in Stockholm, Sweden, edited by Elisabeth Mundt and Tor-Goran Malmstrom, Volume 1