This study is to investigate the characteristics of indoor air temperature distributions and airflow patterns with three air diffusing systems in heating period and to find the methods which can predict those indoor environmental conditions effectively. A series of measurements and corresponding numerical analysis were done. Selected three air diffusing systems for this study are as follows; 1) ceiling supply-ceiling exhaust, 2) ceiling supply-floor exhaust, 3) floor supply-ceiling exhaust. As a result, ceiling supply-floor exhaust system and floor supply-ceiling exhaust system showed similar temperature difference between supply air and occupied area. Floor supply-ceiling exhaust system resulted in nearly uniform air temperature throughout the room and high ventilation effectiveness was obtained.
Evaluation of temperature distributions and airflow patterns with three air diffusing systems in heating period.

Bibliographic info:
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference "Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings", Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 August 1999