Loading of ventilation components with dust may affect air handling systems performances andcontribute to poor indoor air. A lot of standardised test method for ventilation componentscharacterisation - filters, fans, heat exchangers, extract air terminal devices etc. - exist but allthese methods describe initial performance determination except for filters which are alsocharacterised by dust loading test.The aim of our study was to define a laboratory dust loading test method of extract air terminaldevices and to validate results comparing to on-site results. As extract air terminal devices arecommonly used in kitchens and bathrooms, dust loading may content solid particles and stickyparticles.Dust loading test results show a good reproducibility. Air flow measurement of naturally loadeddevices show that the visual appearance can be not representative of the loading level. Naturallyloaded devices show a large diversity but the loading effect is of the same order as artificialloading. Bathroom loadings, generally less sticky, can be represented in average by an artificialtest with ASHRAE dust (EN 779) only while the adjunction of oil represents better kitchenloaded devices. Performances of the cleaned devices are similar to those of the new one exceptin case of very high loading characteristics.
Laboratory dust loading test method of exhaust air terminal devices.
Bibliographic info:
21st AIVC Conference "Innovations in Ventilation Technology,", Hague, Netherlands, 26-29 September 2000