Many hazardous chemicals are used in research laboratories. Fume hood is the most efficient and common single equipment used in prevention of chemical exposure of laboratory workers. Totally 303 fume hoods were inspected at the University of Kuopio laboratories and 295 of them were tested for their performance. The most important properties affecting occupational safety due to the fume hoods were tested. The general recommendation for face velocity (0.4-0.6 m/s) and the Finnish building regulations for exhausted air flow from laboratory fume hood (140 l/s m), were met only by 27 % and 22 % of fume hoods measured, respectively.
Performance of laboratory fume hoods.

Bibliographic info:
in: "Progress in Modern Ventilation", Proceedings of Ventilation 2000, Volume 1, proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control, held Helsinki, Finland, 4-7 June 2000, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health