Refers to the Office Illness Project from northern Sweden which showed that female gender, asthma/rhinitis, high psychosocial workload, visual display terminal and paperwork were related to an increased prevalence of facial skin symptoms. The study reported in this article used data from the Swedish study's questionnaire, supplemented with information from a clinical examination, a survey of psychosocial factors at work, building data and VDT-related factors from inspection and measurements taken at the workplace. Found that an increased occurrence of skin symptoms was linked to psychosocial conditions and exposure to electromagnetic fields. Concludes that skin symptoms reported by VDT users have a multifactorial background.
Facial skin symptoms in visual display terminal (VDT) workers. A case-referent study of personal, psychosocial, building- and VDT-related risk indicators.
Bibliographic info:
Int. J. Epidemiology, Vol 24, No 4, 1995, pp 796-803, 3 tabs, 44 refs.