Presents the method and example results for the determination of organic air emissions from a common indoor material. Sample materials were ventilated at controlled air change rates, temperature and relative humidity using a well instrumented and characterized stainless steel test chamber. Tenax filled glass cartridges were used to analyse the chamber outlet air stream, which are than thermally desorbed for further concentration onto a Nutech model 8528 purge and trap system and desorption to a packed column gas chromatograph. Quantification of organic emissions was done on a species specific and total organics basis. For a water-based adhesive, test chamber concentrations of total organics are shown to diminish with time. Emission rates calculated for the floor adhesive were determined to be 95 microgrammes per gramme per hour after ventilation at 1.77 air changes per hour for 10 hours and 259 microgrammes per gramme per hour after 24 hours ventilation at 3.6 air changes per hour.
Methods and results of characterisation of organic emissions from an indoor material.

Bibliographic info:
Atmospheric Environment, Vol 21, No 2, 1987, pp 337-345, 4 figs, 5 tabs, refs.