CFD calculations were performed in a ventilated room of 5.7 m2, with an air supply near the floor and an air exhaust near the ceiling on the opposite wall. Air flow rate and inlet temperature are 14.3 l/s and 22C. Calculation results show for example that a standing or seated occupant inhales air coming from the aera close to the floor, which flows upwards due to metabolic heating. A new index (IECI) was used to characterize the effectiveness of contaminant inhalation. The higher values of IECI in the room indicate the zones which the inhaled air comes from.
CFD analysis on rising stream around a human body and its effect on inhalation air quality

Bibliographic info:
Preprint ASHRAE Transactions vol.108 no.2 2002 (USA) - paper presented at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting, Honolulu, June 2002 - 6 pp, 10 figs, 11 refs, 1 tab