A simple method was used to assess odor intensity in indoor environments by a trained panel. Reliable results were obtained. Other factors, i.e., interaction with other senses, annoyance and other cognitive processes seemed to influence individual evaluation, especially during adaptation. Therefore, laboratory experiments could be useful to assess immediate odor intensity with minimum context influences. Comparison of odor sampled in Tedlar bags and in the living room were acceptable in terms of intensity but not in terms of recognition and description, indicating presence of biases. Chemical analysis revealed some differences in VOC composition that could explain the change in the nature of the stimulus.
Odor intensity of a real room field evaluation and laboratory investigations

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2002 (9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate) - June 30 - July 5, 2002 - Monterey, California - vol 2, pp 273-278, 3 figs, 14 refs, 1 tab