The effects of an air conditioning system for office buildings were studied experimentally and computationally. A displacement ventilation system was used as the main air-conditioning system, and a partition with a built-in circular fan was used to deliver the air-conditioned clean air near the floor supplied by the main displacement system to the occupant in the office directly. Experimental model tests and computational analysis that used the large eddy simulation (LES) have been carried out to obtain local air exchange efficiency, air temperature and air velocity distributions in a test chamber. The measured and simulated air velocities were compared. The results show that the partition's built-in circular fan has a great impact on the local air exchange efficiency in the immediate vicinity of the occupant. However, the thermal comfort of the occupant should be examined in more thoroughly.
Experimental and numerical studies on local high efficiency air conditioning system for office buildings

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2002 (9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate) - June 30 - July 5, 2002 - Monterey, California - vol 4, pp 301-306, 7 figs, 9 refs, 1 tab