Bronsema B.
Bibliographic info:
Rehva, december 2002, 4th quarter, pp 9-13

In this paper the author analyses the different weaknesses of the HVAC systems in case of air contamination by a deliberate pollution of the inducted air due to vandalism, terrorism or any other motives.To prevent that danger he gives some advice about HVAC installation :A safe air intake is necessary, but the intake grille for ventilation must be inaccessible from outside the building and its position at ground level unsuitable.Air dampers must have effective sealing and be closed in the event of a bioterrorist attack.Recirculation systems can be contamined too from a source within the building, but HVAC systems which include fan-coils, cooling convectors and cooled or heated ceiling system can maintain indoor thermal conditions without ventilation.Electrostatic air filters are capable to catch very fine particles, and should be combined with air washer.Hybrid and natural ventilation systems are more protective.As a conclusion he says detailed scenarios should in fact prepared for each building with a general emergency plan.