Using performance characteristics of balanced ventilation units tested in laboratory of CETIAT, a complete ventilation system in an individual house is modelised, in details. Simulations are made with TRNSYS program and hourly dynamic calculations on the heating season, on different French climates (three) and different ventilation configurations (five) : high efficiency or classical balanced system inside the attic or inside the heated volume and simple exhaust ventilation system. Performances are analyzed on short periods and globally on the whole season : heat recovery, supply temperature, ventilation and infiltrations losses,Comparisons are made between the different systems. Global results or hierarchy between systems are also compared with the approach of the new French thermal regulation.
Dynamic calculation of thermal performance of balanced ventilation in an individual house : comparisons between different systems

Bibliographic info:
The 4th international conference on Cold Climat HVAC, Trondheim, Norway, June 16-18, 2003,
Paper 37 , pp 9, 7 Fig., 2 Tab, 7 Ref.