Ventilation is one of the most important measures to dilute indoor air pollutants. In order to maintain a clean indoor air environment, not only the total ventilation rate of the building but also the distribution of outdoor air to each area must be taken into consideration. A performance evaluation of various ventilation systems, which have different air supply and exhaust equipment, has been made. This investigation was undertaken over a heating period, in a full-scale test house. The ventilation rate and distribution to each room of the test house were measured by the constant concentration method. The influence of indoor-outdoor temperature difference on ventilation rate was also analysed. The measurement results revealed the performance of these ventilation systems.
Experimental Study on Performance Evaluation of Ventilation Systems in a Test House
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 1 N°1, June 2002, 11 Fig., 1 Tab., 5 Ref.