The ventilated ceiling is a flexible solution for kitchen ventilation where heat loads are relatively low and aesthetics is a concern. By using a capture jet in the ventilated ceiling, it is possible to improve the total effectiveness of the ventilation system. This means better indoor air quality and thermal comfort. In addition, the energy consumption of a capture jet ceiling is lower than that of a traditional ceiling concept. This paper demonstrates that the supply air distribution strategy has a remarkable influence on pollution removal effectiveness and the thermal environment in kitchens. For a ventilated ceiling, the capture jet could improve the total effectiveness of the ventilation system by reducing the average contaminant level in the occupied zone by 40 %. In addition the estimated energy saving potential can be as much as 23 %.
The Influence of a Capture Jet on the Efficiency of a Ventilated Ceiling in a Commercial Kitchen
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 1 N°3, Februari 2003, 10 Fig., 4 Tab., 8 Ref.