Now believed to be responsible for anaphylaxis to chemical substances, concentrations of formaldehyde and VOCs emitted by interior finish materials and furniture, is very low in residential spaces. To accurately measure these concentrations, it is necessary to concentrate the air sample during sampling and to employ high-precision analysers such as a GC analyzer to obtain the results. Since these complicated sampling and analytical operations require a high level of expertise, the development of an on-the-spot precise measuring instrument has long been awaited. This study examines the application of two semiconductor-based odour sensors each capable of measuring and evaluating TVOC levels in low concentrations quickly and in a timed sequence. To evaluate the characteristics of each sensor, the results of the measurements were compared with results obtained from high-precision analysers, such as a GC Analyzer and a GC Mass Spectrometer. A relatively good correlation was obtained between the results, indicating the sensors can be used to develop an effective complementary system to enhance the analysers.
The application of semiconductor-based odour sensors capable of measuring and evaluating indoor air quality

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 295-300, 4 Fig., 5 Ref.