The research emphasized on typical characteristics of interior decoration material, decoratedarea and relative influence factors to consider about the contaminants concentration of TVOCand formaldehyde in Taiwan. This study conducted complete diagnosis and measurement insix office buildings including 16 different types of office rooms in 2001. In this survey, thecharacteristic of the space, types of building materials used, properties of decorated area andthe room volume were all considered. The concentrations of TVOC and formaldehyde, indoorair temperature and related humidity were all measured with air change rate and air leakagevalue measurements at the same time. Each objective case was measured over 1 week ofworking period to complete realize the indoor environment variation including common andremarkable situations.The results of the field investigation reveal that the following materials were often used inoffice space. The sequences orders were wood-based material (29%), polyvinyl chlorideflooring (21%), carpet (18%), gypsum board (18%), mineral fibre board (14%). Moreover, thecorrelation analysis on the off-working hours concentration of formaldehyde, TVOC anddecorative intensity divided into air leakage value can give the equation. By the theory ofmass balance and regression analysis, the correlation on correlative influence factor withconcentration of TVOC and formaldehyde could be obtained. An empirical model of theformaldehyde and TVOC concentration was constructed to help the designers and architectsin making a proper choice of materials in Taiwans office buildings.
Effects of building material on levels of volatile organic compounds in Taiwan’s typical office buildings

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 373-378, 2 Fig., 3 Tab., 8 Ref.