In order to identify the effects of various kinds of floor materials and that of humidity on theconcentration of mite allergens in houses of allergy patients, measurements were carried outin two houses near Tokyo in August, November and December 2001. Temperature, humidityand mite allergens, Der p 1, Der f 1 and Der 2, were measured and a questionnaire survey wasconducted. Floor (in living rooms, Japanese tatami-mat rooms and bedrooms) and beddingdust was collected by a vacuum cleaner, and the concentrations of mite allergens in housedust were measured by fluorometric sandwich ELISA.A high degree of correlation between Der 2 and Der 1 was found. The concentration of Der1 was higher than that of Der 2. A high concentration of Der p 1 was found in the carpetswhile Der f 1 showed high concentration in the Japanese tatami-mats. When the relativehumidity is less than 50%, concentration of the mite allergen was low. The percentage of Derp 1 in Der 1 for the carpet was higher than that for the Japanese tatami-mats. The frequentcleaning could reduce the concentration of mite allergens. The supplementary experimentshowed that the more fine dust on the floor a larger mass of the mite allergen per unit mass ofthe fine dust was induced.
Measurements on mite allergens in houses of allergy patients in Japan

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 613-618, 9 Fig., 1 Tab., 8 Ref.