Subjective tests with a desktop-based task conditioning system were conducted. Previous tothe subjective tests, detailed measurements of air velocities influenced by the system wereperformed. For subjective experiments, three ambient air temperature and relative humiditycombinations, (1) 27C/40%RH, (2) 30C/40%RH and (3) 30C/70%RH, were applied. Eachof 16 college age subjects was exposed to the three different experimental room airconditions. There were six supply airflow patterns for task air conditioning, and theparameters included were isothermal airflow and non-isothermal airflow with three differentair velocities. An experiment involving subjects using the task conditioning system suggestedthe possibility of employing hot space. Questionnaire responses under the preferred aircondition revealed the importance of adjustment of task conditioning.
Impact of non-isothermal task conditioning system on thermal comfort

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 776-782, 8 Fig, 1 Tab., 5 Ref.