This paper shall investigate thermal comfort requirements for university students in the hot-humid region of Bahrain and the hot-dry region of Saudi Arabia. An extensive field survey shall be conducted among university students in an attempt to define optimum comfort requirements. The field surveys shall deal with the following aspects:
Recording climatic variables, which influence thermal sensation, these are; ambient temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity.
A questionnaire format shall be distributed to a selected sample of university students while they are attending a lecture, working in the design studio, working in a laboratory or studying in the library. The format contains three main sections, these are as follows:
Section 1: For recording the climatic variables of the enclosed space, which should be filled by the researcher.
Section 2: Contains information about the subject; these are the clothing ensembles to determine the clo-value, the activity level to determine the metabolic heat production, the age and sex of the subject.
Section 3: For the evaluation of the thermal environment by the subject. This section is divided into two parts; the first part includes the scale of thermal sensation where the subject is requested to record his/her feeling selecting one of the seven alternatives, these are very hot, hot, warm, comfortable, cool, cold, or very cold. In the second part the subject shall be requested to record his/her preference by selecting one of the following alternatives, these are; increase ambient temperature, leave the ambient temperature as it is, or decrease the ambient temperature.
Thermal comfort requirements from hot-humid to hot-dry regions

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 25-29, 4 Tab., 8 Ref.