In a small case study involving an office room and a laboratory in a building equipped with aHVAC system VOC and particle samples were collected. Both rooms used for theexperiments were newly renovated and low, but measurable amounts of typical indoor VOCand SVOC were present in the air several weeks after finishing of the renovation work. TheVOC concentrations decreased slowly during the test period of 3 weeks.Particulate matter in the room air was characterized regarding the size distribution bySMPS. Several samples of particles were collected on glass fibre filters to be tested foradsorbed VOC using a dynamic Headspace-GC/MS method. Since the particle concentrationin the rooms was quite low, even with a sample volume of ~18 m3 the total particle mass onthe collected filters was below 1 mg. Only trace amounts of VOCs and SVOCs identified inthe room air could be detected on the collected particle samples after thermal desorption.
VOC and fine particles in a newly renovated building: a case study
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 200-204, 3 fig., 6 Ref.