The objective of the present study is to apply and test a mathematical model for thedetermination of the strength of various indoor sources of ultra-fine particles (UFP), and thesink effect for such particles. The model is intended for further development in order to createa tool capable of predicting the concentrations of fine and ultra-fine particles in a room. Inputdata to the model are the ventilation rate, emission rates of ultra-fine particles from differentindoor sources and properties describing sink effects. Laboratory measurements of 10 indoorsources (e.g. cigarette smoke, candles, air-freshener spray, etc.) carried out in a full-scale testchamber were utilized for model testing and verification. However, only results for burningcigarettes are presented in this paper. The source strength of such UFP was approximately 4-5orders of magnitude greater than the source strengths of particles in several size ranges above0.3 m, which were also studied. Sink effects had a pronounced influence on the experimentalresults and were included in the model. The particle removal rate (loss rate) for UFP was0.63 h-1, while values between 0.38 and 1.89 h-1 were observed for the larger particlefractions. The model provides a useful tool to estimate the strength of particle sources andsinks.
Modelling of indoor concentrations of ultra-fine particles based on laboratory measurements

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 205-211, 4 fig., 1 Tab., 6 Ref.