There are many schoolchildren who have a minor chemical sensitivity and cannot go toschool just because of the activities taken place such as arts & craft, waxing the floor or justopening the textbook. The solution for those children to go school is to protect them fromthose chemicals. However a renovation to make the whole classroom into a chemical freeroom is not a realistic solution for just one child not just because of its cost but also the effectto the other schoolchildren going in and out from chemical free room because of the risk ofrebound. Hereby in this paper we will propose a personal air purifier which would beeffective for the children who have minor chemical sensitivity so that they could go to schooland study with their schoolmates. This personal air purifier is available to attach and detacheasily to a schoolchildrens chair, which are regularly used in schools. In addition, the airstream from the outlet of the personal air purifier to the breathing zone of the sitting child willbe determined.
A personal air purifier for schoolchildren

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 610-615, 4 Fig., 2 Tab., 1 Ref.