In this paper, the very recent laboratory research results on personalized air supply (PAS)from three universities are critically reviewed. Based upon these experimental results, thepotential improvements on inhaled air quality versus indoor air quality are analysed in termsof reduced air pollutant levels in the inhaled air. Depending on the configuration of the PAStested, up to 80% reduction of pollutant levels in the inhaled air can be achieved at the sametotal ventilation rate of the present mixed ventilation methods. The energy saving benefit isviewed from another perspective, and it can be derived from these experimental studies thatequivalent inhaled air quality can be achieved at the airflow rate of merely 30% of the presentinternational standard. Although these two figures are still far below from the ideal, theyclearly indicate that significant breakthrough in inhaled air quality and energy saving can beachieved with PAS studied so far. Further improvement of PAS will also be discussed.
Potential IAQ and energy benefits achievable with personalized air supply

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 640-645, 2 Fig., 1 Tab.,12 Ref.