Subjective experiments were conducted in summer and winter in order to clarify the effects ofhumidity and indoor chemical pollutants on subjective comfort and productivity, and evaluatethe seasonal differences in their reactions. Subjects were exposed to three levels of humidityconditions and 2 indoor air quality levels in a climate chamber performing the simulatedoffice works. For all conditions, SET* was constant. Subjects adapted to the indoor air qualityduring the 180-min exposures under the polluted conditions. The differences of the generalhumidity sensation among the conditions were small in both seasons. Eye irritation got higherduring the exposure. The seasonal difference due to the adaptation to outdoor air was found.Environmental humidity had the larger effects on skin moisture than indoor air quality. Thecorrect answer speed of the addition task tended to be faster under the clean conditions thanthe polluted conditions in both seasons although the differences were small.
Effects of humidity and indoor air chemical pollutants on human comfort and productivity

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 273-279, 7 Fig., 2 Tab., 5 Ref.