There is a worldwide trend to develop a tool that can provide comprehensive assessment ofbuildings for sustainability. Many efforts were found to propose approaches for energy-savingand resource-recycling, and on the other hand buildings for sustainability should maintain theacceptable indoor environment quality to maintain the occupants health. This paper presentsa comprehensive index, IEI(AHP), composed of the filtered physical indicators, for quantitativeassessment on the built environment. A set of the weighting among the physical categories iscarried out through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The criteria of theseindicators, from the literature review, were addressed after the adjustment compared to themagnitude-distribution results, which were investigated from the existing apartment houses inTaiwan.
Criteria for design of indoor environment in sustainable buildings

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 597-602, 2 Fig., 2 Tab., 8 Ref.