This research was to assess the performance of air infiltration, the corresponding energy consumption, indoor contaminant level for residential buildings in Harbin, a typical city in the severe cold region of China. Based on questionnaire survey and field measurements, the prototypical apartment building includes its physical structure, air leakage and life style of occupants has been determined. Then unsteady-state numerical simulations were carried out by the use of COMIS. The results show that in order to satisfy the energy conservation requirements, air infiltration rates are always low and air distribution is imbalance. It results in the corresponding high level of indoor contaminant.
Air Infiltration Performance for Residential Buildings in the Winter of Harbin, China

Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 5, 7 Fig., 7 Ref.