H. Wigö , H. O. Nilsson
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 3 N°3, December 2004, pp 219-225, 6 Fig., 3 Tab.,8 Ref.

Heat loss monitoring from a thermal manikin was undertaken representing an occupant in a classroom during a lesson period of 80 minutes in which the room temperature was increased from 21 to 24C for various airflow velocity configurations. A group of subjects was exposed to various conditions of temperature and airflow rate so that the impact of these variations on their surface/skin temperature could be determined. It was found that skin temperature remained stable and close to 34C for all conditions of exposure. Thus, over the temperature and air velocity range considered, these new findings verified the suitability of using a thermal manikin, set to steady uniform surface temperature, to determine the heat loss characteristics from occupants subjected to intermittent velocity variation. When the manikin was exposed to a high velocity pulse, the heat loss from the whole body increased by 10% while the heat loss from exposed areas (hands and face) increased by 20 % (when compared to no velocity pulse). After the 80 minutes monitoring period,the total energy loss from a manikin exposed to velocity variations was 2% higher than when exposed to constant low velocity.