Local airflow gives different sensations at different locations on a human body as the thickness of natural convection is not equal over the body surface. This study is intended to examine the effect of horizontal local airflows with different temperatures and velocities on thermal sensation, airflow perception, and thermal comfort to develop economical air conditioning especially for hot and humid areas. The subjects'votes concerning the back of the neck and the ankles in summers and winters were examined statistically. The results indicated that airflow caused stronger thermal sensation and airflow perception at the necks than at the ankles in the summer experiments. The winter results were mostly different from the summer results. The winter results were mostly different from the summer results. Only the airflow perception in the velocity change experiments was the same in the winter and the summer. The percentage dissatisfied was smaller for the neck than the ankles.
Thermal sensation of local airflows with different temperatures and velocities : comparison between summer and winter.

Bibliographic info:
Ashrae 2005 Winter meeting, technical and symposium papers, Orlando, February 2005