Maroni M., Carrer P., Cavallo D., Della Torre M., Peruzzo C., Aizlewood C., Fernandes EO, Roulet C.A., Cox C.
Bibliographic info:
Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - 4-9 September 2005, Beijing, China. - 6 p -

Health and comfort performance criteria for buildings have been defined. Then compliance with a set of measurable parameters related to indoor air pollutants or physical characteristics of the indoor environment is expected to assure, with a high degree of confidence, the provision of acceptable performance of buildings
Energy efficiency is evaluated too by means of the energy index ( the yearly total energy use per gross heated floor area), and the building is ranked accordingly.
Then with the combination of the health and energy evaluation, the buildings are finally classified as optimal, medium, or low energy efficient buildings.