Sun Y., Fang L., Wyon DP, Lagercrantz L., Strom-Tejsen P.
Bibliographic info:
Indoor air, Vol 15, Supplement 11, 2005, abstract for the 10th international conference on indoor air quality and climate, pp 5

In the aircraft cabin environment, the major air pollution source inside the cabin is human bioeffluents. The performance of PCO (photocatalytic oxidation) air cleaners for this group of pollutants at low humidity is not well documented. The aim of that study was to examine the performance of two prototype PCO air purifiers from different manufacturers in a simulated aircraft cabin environment with real human bioeffluents as the main pollution source.
Objective physical, chemical and physiological measurements and subjective human assessments were used for that evaluation. The use of PCO units appears to have a positive effect on symptoms such as dizziness and claustrophobia.