Hanley J.T., Elion J.M.
Bibliographic info:
ASHRAE Project n° 1088-RP - RTI project No 08200 - Final report - May 2005 - pp 140

Under contract with the ASHRAE, RTI conducted an interlaboratory study (ILS) ofANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999. Seven American and one European laboratories participated.The purpose of the ILS was to determine if the system qualification tests are adequate to providereliable test results. Testing was performed in two rounds :Round 1 was a trial run during which each lab ran an initial efficiency test (no dust loading) on two medium efficiency filters.Round 2 consisted of six full 52.2 tests : two tests each of low (MERV 5-8), medium(MERV 9-12) and high efficiency (MERV 13-16) filters. These tests included dust loading.Results and conclusions are presented.