Genest F., Minea Vasile
Bibliographic info:
Ashrae transactions papers, Annual meeting - Quebec- June 2006, pp 12

A new all-electric retail store located in Montreal, Canada, incorporates several design features to maximize the interactions between various building components. The twostory, high-performance, "green" commercial building is the result of an integrated energy design process and features
ground-source heat pumps with radiant floors for space heating and cooling, improved building envelope, optimized natural lighting on the second floor, exhaust air energy recovery, and hybrid ventilation. A number of results, such as geothermal system operating parameters and building-specific energy performances, are presented. The final results show a specific annual energy consumption of 133.1 kWh/m2 (12.4 kWh/ft2), while the reference building would be at 466 kWh/m2 (43.3 kWh/ft2), for a reduction of 71.4%. Energy cost savings are CD$ 24 per m2 (CD$ 2.22 per ft2).