The actions to limit the energy consumption and the electricity demand lead in Europe and inFrance to think about the energy labelling of the consumption of the fans used in ventilationsystems. This is a complicated task as it has to take into account the multiple possibleoperating conditions, the eventual presence of a regulation system and the type of use.A study supported by Ademe has been carried out in order to propose a method for labelling ofthe ventilation units. This study was divided in four phases. First phase consisted in a review ofthe available characteristics of the products present on the French market completed by testson different representative products. Second phase was concerned with the development ofrepresentative criteria to define the electrical consumption. The third phase consisted inmeasurements of the consumption in real operating conditions on site in order to bring validation elements to the results of the second phase. The fourth phase consisted in the study of the possibility of the extension to the Europe of the method developed.This paper is rather focused on the method developed to calculate for each type of fan unit thecriteria of electrical consumption and the comparison with consumption measured in real conditions on site.
Development of an Energy Labelling for Ventilation Units

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006