Although unanimously acknowledged by the experts for its performances as regards energyeffectiveness and indoor air quality optimisation, humidity sensitive ventilation still too often suffersfrom a lack of knowledge inherent in its singularities. The matter of this article is thus to bring a newlighting on the humidity sensitive ventilation determining airflow rates in the calculations of ductworksdimensioning and in the energy impact related to the air renewal. Being based on the results of theHR-VENT case study applied in NANGIS, France, this proceeding develops two complementaryapproaches. A first global approach makes it possible to show the existence of a time-dispersion ofthe needs for air renewal, which consequence is to stabilise the global airflow of a group of dwellingsat a relatively low level, limiting and optimising the dimensioning of the ductworks at the same time asthe energy impact. The second approach, at the individual level, makes it possible to check theinstantaneous variability of the individual airflow of the humidity sensitive ventilation components,showing its capacity to ensure the quality of the air renewal while sticking to the needs of each roomand each dwelling, at each time.
Management Of The Time-Distribution Of The Needs For Indoor Air Renewal In Humidity Sensitive Ventilation

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006