Adel Salih Akair, Laszlo Banhidi,
Bibliographic info:
Climamed Congress Lyon, France 20-21 November 2006 - "Comfort requirements " pp 8 -

Thermal comfort very frequently affects thermal sensation in such a hot environment as Libya. The inside temperature and surface temperature of walls sometimes reach the 35-40C in summer therefore, a warm asymmetrical radiation is simulated and airflow and good insulated are used against this effect, possibly leading again to an unpleasant thermal feeling. The questions are :the temperature and direction of the airflow can solve these problems. The results of the calculationby the standard are not exact because we have two so-called local discomfort parameters and this is a special combined effects problem. In the paper, we analyze the problems and talking about the in site investigation methods using with Libyan subjects. Building equipped with state of the art heating cooling systems and their energetic optimization require air and radiation temperature value pairs set by controls so, that the value pairs fall within a range comfortable. Many diagrams have been published in the literature, dimensions and shape of the areas are significantly different neither the basic principle of their drawing up is described, therefore it is necessary to develop a diagram oftemperature comfort range on a scientific basic. In this paper development process of this new comfort diagram..