A food odor spread is one of the air quality problems in high rise residential buildings in Korea. The food odor is mainly produced during the cooking of food. The food odor is generated in the limited spaces like in the kitchenand at a table. The ventilation systems in the buildingsdesigned to control air quality actually make the food odor spread more widely. To control the food odor spread, another types of ventilation systems are needed.In the paper, the kitchen ventilation system to prevent the food odor spread is introduced. To evaluate the performanceof the systems, field measurements were conductedusing the tracer gas method in high rise residentialbuildings. It was found that the systems had good performance to reduce the spread of food odor.
Ventilation systems to minimize food odor spreading in high rise residentialbuildings

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007