As the technology in building materialsadvances, the room air pollution caused bychemical compounds, and also by preservativesand insecticides for termite control, has becomea serious problem. With Regard to the airconvection in the house to contribute to themovement of the contaminants, there is stackeffect, wind presssure, and mechnicalventilation as the driving forces for airmovement, that is also much affected by the airtightness and ventilation path of the house. Theroom air pollution status caused by chemicalsubstances sprinkled in the crawl space arestudied by simulation of the temperatureventilation circuitry based on multi-roomsmodel that assumed non-residential spaces suchas crawl space and partition walls as rooms.As a result of the simulation, it is clarified thatthe concentrations in the crawl space is affecteda lot by the amount of gap and the air tightnessof the floor, the concentrations in the residentialrooms does not depend on house constructionmethod, keeping approx. 50% of theconcentrations in the crawl space, and thepollution status differs according to pressurebalance, i.e. ventilation method.
Simulation on evaluation of Indoor air pollutant difhsed in the crawlspace of detached house
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008