The purposes of this research are to contrast theenergy consumption characteristics of oldresidential buildings and new residentialbuildings in Shanghai, China, and to analyzeinfluence factors of residential energyconsumption. 16 10 families in ResidentialDistrict A constructed in the 1980s and 819families in Residential District B constsucted inthe 2000s were chosen to trace their monthlyenergy consumption data in the whole year of2006. 300 families in each district were furtherselected from all above investigated families todo questionnaires in the year of 2007, so as tomaster building characteristics, the possessionand utilization of space heating and coolingappliances, energy-saving consciousness and soon. Annual energy consumption of the twolunds of buildings is contrasted and energyconsumption quantities of spacing cooling andheating are calculated. Influencing factors ofresidential energy consumption are furtheranalyzed by the quantification theory.Conclusions are as follows: the average annualenergy consumption quantity is 23.27GJ/household for new buildings and 14.40GJIhousehold for old buildings. The ratio ofspace heating and cooling to total annual energyconsumption is just 11.6% and 16% for oldbuildings and new buildings respectively.Energy consumption and its variance lie on theintegrated influence of many factors, while thefloor area, materials of window frames, thenumber of family members, use months ofspace heaters in winter and air conditioners insummer, and energy saving actions are the mainfactors.
Contrastive analyses on annual energy consumption between new residential buildings and old residential buildings in Shianghai, China

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008