Mirsadeghi, M.; Blocken, B.; Hensen, J.L.M.
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008

Conflation of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and building energy simulation (BES)has been used in recent years in order toimprove the estimation of surface coefficientsfor studies on thermal comfort, mold growthand other performance aspects of a building.BES can provide more realistic boundaryconditions for CFD, while CFD can providehigher resolution modelling of flow patternswithin air volumes and convective heat transfercoefficients (CHTC) for BES. BES and CFDcan be internally or externally coupled. Internalcoupling is the traditional way of expandingsoftware by which the code is expanded byadding new modules and it entails a lot of effortin terms of debugging, maintenance etc. On theother hand, by external coupling differentexisting nunierical packages work together,using the latest advances already implementedin them.This paper focuses on the validation of anewly developed prototype performing theexternal coupling of BES and CFD. Thevalidation procedure involves an inter-modelcomparison between a conjugate heat transfermodel and the prototype.