This field work was conducted in Wuhan in2007 summer to investigate local residents'thermal adaptation. A total of 367 residentsanswered questionnaires and 69 familiesprovided 348 data sets including residents'demographics information, thermal sensation,corresponding indoor and outdoor climaticcondition, housing characteristic and residents'adaptive behavior. The investigation has shownthat local residents can tolerant more rigorousthermal environments comparing with theranges defined by ASHRAE. A lot of adaptivebehaviors have been adopted by residents torestore comfort during their daily life. Some ofthese behaviors have significant impacts on theresidents' thermal sensation.
Thermal adaptation in residential buildings in the Hot Summer and WinterCold Zone of China, case study of Wuhan in summer

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008