de Gids, W.
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008

This paper describes the history and background of the ventilation requirements. Thepaper starts with an overview of existinginternational requirements. An analysis is madeabout the reasons and goals for ventilation.Ventilation strategies are discussed .The advisedstrategy is to ventilate only for unavoidablesources such as people in rooms and theirunavoidable activities, for instance cleaning,maintenance and personal care like cooking,bathing and showering. The history is of therequirements as well as the underlying studiesare described an discussed. Human effluentssuch as odours and smells seem to play the mostimportant roles for our existing ventilationrequirements. Suggestions are given toinvestigate the role of masking odour orodourizing the air. In that case it might bepossible to reduce air flow rates to rooms andhence save energy.