Eusébio Z. E. Conceição, Mª. Manuela J. R. Lúcio, Vitor D. S. R. Vicente and Vítor C. T. Rosão
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 7 N°3, December 2008

This paper presents an evaluation of the local thermal discomfort level in a classroom equipped with cross ventilation, for a typical moderate summer day in Portugal. Three different ventilation configurations based on window and door opening were considered. In each, the thermal comfort, air quality and acoustical comfort conditions were also evaluated. This experimental study was made in the South of Portugal, exposed to a Mediterranean climate. Thermal comfort was based on the PMV index, the air quality was based on the air renovation rate and acoustical comfort levels were based on the reverberation time, voice clarity, definition and early reflection ratio. The detailed local thermal discomfort analysis was based on draught risk and uncomfortable air velocity fluctuations. Other measurements included relative humidity, the radiative mean temperature, carbon dioxide concentration (tracer gas decay), and noise level decay of impulsive response. Results showed that for the warmest of weather open windows and classroom door gave the best air quality and comfort conditions.