G. Achard, P. Laforgue, B. Souyri
Bibliographic info:
Belgium, Proceedings of Clima 2000 Conference, held Brussels, August 30th to September 2nd 1997

The research we develop consists of evaluating "radiative comfort" during no heating periods in office buildings.The expression "radiative comfort" is used to characterise the thermal and visual component of the feeling of people set in indoor environments submitted to sky and sun irradiation by bay windows. Two numerical models, one for the visual behaviour and the other for the thermal aspect, have been adjusted We carried out simulations in the case of offices which is the main scope of our study. Parametric studies offer the opportunity to determine, on the one hand a temporal representation of the discomfort situations, and on the other hand the study of the concomitance of the generated thermal and visual phenomena. The results show that the visual discomfort risks are more frequent than the thermal ones. Visual effects are instantaneous when thermal aspects are delayed in time with regard to the radiative inputs; the delay depending on the thermal inertia of the room.