Wim Zeiler
Bibliographic info:
Belgium, Proceedings of Clima 2000 Conference, held Brussels, August 30th to September 2nd 1997

The frame work of methodical design as developed at the University of technology Twente is used to specify dynamic system design/configuration concepts and alternatives for HVAC-installations (Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning). A method of implementing different design representation is integrated into a modelling paradigm. This paradigm describes the design process in terms of several major phases, levels of abstraction and connected levels of modelling centred on layered design representations. Design can be considered a problem solving activity where a design problem and its solutions co-evolve. Functional reasoning is central to designing, but current models of mechanical device functionality are not sufficiently refined to support the new generation of computer design aids. Bond Graph techniques are applied to a new design methodology entitled Methodical Process Design.