Ž. Kristl, A. Krainer
Bibliographic info:
Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, May 2005, Santorini Greece

In built environment assured access to sun is important because of the quality of life and because of the energy benefits. We can find a great number of historical precedents of respecting this issue. In Slovenia traditional settlements of the Karst are a model example. In this paper we investigated the Karst settlement of Kobjeglava. We studied the disposition of buildings with respect to cooling. We used the solar volume method for assessing the urban plan and estimating the solar access. The investigation was carried out with the newly developed computer tool, which is designed as an upgrade of the CAD program. It was developed by the Chair for Buildings and Constructional Complexes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Ljubljana. In the course of our research we found out that in the treated cases the main influential factor of shaping settlements is the winds. As far as the topography, space and social organization allow it, the 15 incidence angle is used for solar heating during winter. The building dispositions do not offer much shading during summer. In front of residential parts pergolas are used. Protection against heat is also provided by the structure of the building envelope.