There is an obvious and indisputable need for an increase in the efficiency of energy utilisation inbuildings. Until now, so-called energy saving measures and analyses of energy flows in buildings havecommonly been based on the energy conservation principle, the first law of thermodynamics. Amethod for carrying out exergy analyses which combines both the first and second law ofthermodynamics allows for a better understanding and design of energy flows in buildings.Consequently, a more holistic view of the calculations is gained for all processes involved.In agreement to these findings, new innovative heating, cooling and ventilation appliances have beendeveloped within the framework of a German national collaboration project. This paper describes boththe structure and work plan of the German alliance project on low exergy systems and theachievements in the development of innovative system solutions brought about by this closecollaboration between leading German industry and research institutes.
Heating and Cooling with Advanced Low Exergy Systems

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006