This project aimed at developing a methodology to help the Local Authorities and the town managersto carry out suitable policies in order to save energy and promote the use of renewable energies. Thismethodology will be useful too for the civil servants in charge of following and assessing the localactions granted by the Regional Authorities. It will take the form of a practical guide of management.The main objectives of the guide are: To provide and disseminate an operational method to help step by step the municipalities,including the smallest ones, to develop their own overall suitable plan to manage energy on itsarea; To improve the exchange of information and the collaboration between the different departmentsin charge of or related to energy saving in a town so that energy concerns will be taken intoaccount by all the actors; To create a dynamic of continuous improvement based on an assessment of the efficiency offulfilled actions.
Methodology of a Local Plan to Manage Energy (Production and Consumption)

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006