Within the context of an energy performance regulation, it is essential to take the transmission lossesinto account. If building details are not well designed or carried out, thermal bridges can substantiallyincrease the transmission losses. Though, the physical principles for evaluating thermal bridges arewell known and covered by European standards. However, the practical application of thesecalculation rules is not that evident and may be very time consuming.Within the framework of the Flemish Energy Performance Regulation, a strict scheme for complianceis adopted, in which incorrect performances are linked to financial fines. Such framework forcompliance check requires transparent and reasonable procedures for handling thermal bridges. Inthe beginning of 2006, such procedures were not available yet and, therefore, it will only be mandatoryto take into account thermal bridges for building permits requested after January 2008.In the framework of the TETRA IDEE project, a concept for handling thermal bridges is developed andshould be finalised in December 2006.
Handling Thermal Bridges in the Context of the EPBD: Description of the Approach Developed in Belgium

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006