In this paper, we discuss the characteristics, of diatomite, a moisture-absorbent material used for anew air-conditioning system. Diatomite powder is formed into grains (diameter: 8 mm) with a slantrotatingprocessing machine. After that, the grains are baked. Small balls (diameter: 45 mm) are thenformed from the grains, and are used as moisture-absorbent materials for cells in a moistureabsorbentdehumidifying ventilation device. Gross moisture conductivity (GMC) of the small balls wasmeasured under two conditions. The GMC of small balls soaked in CaCl2 was 1.5 *10-4 [kg/m s(kg/kg)], but this was 0.45 *10-4 [kg/m s (kg/kg)] for those not soaked in CaCl2. A cell, to be used as afilter in a dehumidifying ventilation device, was packed with the soaked diatomite balls. We then testedthe characteristics of the cells vent resistance and its exchange efficiencies of water potential. Tostudy an application of the device, we numerically calculated the thermal environment during hotsummer weather of a single dwelling into which the dehumidifing ventilation device was introduced.The quantity of moisture vapor removed by the dehumidifying ventilation device reached 2.6 kg duringnighttime at ventilation rates of 150 m3/h. Therefore, diatomite balls soaked in CaCl2 solution have apractical application in a new air-conditioning system.
Using Diatomite Soaked in CaCl2 Solution to Increase Dehumidification

Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006