Jokl, M.; Kabele, K.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Problems following the application of optimal operative temperatures estimated on the basisof PMV and the necessity to apply correct values into the new Czech Government DirectiveNo. 523/2002 Code led to experiments based on the physiological human body responseinstead of on solely mans feelings in a defined environment. On the basis of experiments on32 subjects (university students) it has been possible to estimate: a) total balance ofhygrothermal flows between the human body and environment, b) the optimal operativetemperature as a function of the subjects activity, c) the thermoregulatory range for eachoptimal operative temperature, i.e. maximal (category Cmax) limited by the beginnings ofsweating, minimal (category Cmin) limited by the beginnings of shivering (category C can beapplied to the natural ventilated buildings), optimal (comfort level category A) defined bytime constant 0.368 (can be applied to air conditioned buildings) and submaximum (decreasedcomfort level category B) defined by time constant 0.632 (can be applied to buildings withbasic air conditioning systems).